

ALPHA ERP is our advanced enterprise resource planning platform. Putting data, business processes, automation and AI at the fingertips of our team members and clients.

Used worldwide across Europe, America and Asia ALPHA ERP gets accessed via Web and App, or integrated with other systems our clients are using.

If you are interested to use or integrate ALPHA ERP please contact us. 

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Future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.

- Robert Kiyosaki

Building Future

We are building future. Every day. By designing, engineering and producing tools, products and solutions for our clients and customers all over the world.

Pushing every day the boundaries of what is possible.

To maximize speed, efficiency, visibility, analytics and fun we have a strong digital backbone, serving as our digital twin, mirroring our processes, workflows and data.

ALPHA ERP is part of our digital backbone. Used and battle-tested by us and many of our clients. Continuously improved and optimized to be today ready for tomorrow.

Alex Murawski

CEO & Founder